Simon ‘Mahlathini’ Nkabinde (1937 - 1999) was a South African mbaqanga singer. Known as the "Lion of Soweto" (which the name "Mahlathini" translates to), Nkabinde was the most distinguished of the basso-profundo "groaners" of black South African music and the acknowledged original of a mbaqanga sub-style known as mqashiyo, the indestructible beat.
Simon ‘Mahlathini’ Nkabinde (1937 - 1999) was a South African mbaqanga singer. Known as the "Lion of Soweto" (which the name "Mahlathini" translates to), Nkabinde was the most distinguished of the basso-profundo "groaners" of black South African music and the acknowledged original of a mbaqanga sub-style known as mqashiyo, the indestructible beat.
Mahlathini, the Queens and the Makgona Tsohle Band had become famous as individual artists, but had frequently recorded together since 1964. It was only in 1986, when the demand for South African music arose through Paul Simon's Graceland album, that Gallo Record Company (the three artists' label) paired them together permanently.